Is History an Important Subject to take?

There has been a norm that studying History is boring, a situation that has kept several learners far from facts. In other words, a good number across the globe do not like studying History due to the myth that it’s a subject that has no benefits to them.

For instance, the number of students in Singapore who pursue science subjects is larger than in history. On such occasions, there has been a big gap in history, and demand for individuals who have mastery of history in Singapore has yet to be established. Even though there is less number of individuals who have and are taking history subjects than in sciences, this is all about history.

However, beyond academic achievement, historical, geopolitical, and societal pressures have affected education in science in Singapore over more than five decades since Singapore gained self-governance in 1959; and all this is revealed through history.

Everything today we interact with has a story behind it. All educational backgrounds, could it be science education, political science, engineering, medicine, or any other study, has a history behind them. Therefore, studying history as a subject is important. History presents the world in different ways, from a perspective point of view to reality. There is a truth behind why any person should learn from the past, and this is to call for parents and society at large to encourage and support children to consider pursuing history as a subject. History presents the past to date through the passing of knowledge through events, written documentaries, culture, norms, society, politics, storytelling, and other forms.

Through studying history, generation after generation will have a track of their ways of living and the status of how the world near them is or has changed. In other words, history presents the story of the past through a collection of memories. Behind this, learners learn to know their identity and where they come from, and they can trace where they will head after today’s life.

Why study history and as a Subject

Even though the results may not be visible, studying history is necessary, not only to know our past or the world but also to gain knowledge that is a booster to other subjects. Here are facts and reasons why studying history as a subject is important.

Realizing and Strengthening the sense of identity

Human beings actively participate in events under the control of their sense of identity. In other words, identity builds one’s realization, knowing where they belong, their roles, their importance, and why they should fully participate in events that protect their identities. However, this identity in human beings should be nurtured from a young age. History can help provide individuals with a sense of identity. Indeed, among several lessons history teaches, building a sense of identity is always the key. Many schools around the world still teach history in order to build a sense of identity among students.

Through identity realization, individuals understand their family, country, or national backgrounds where they belong, and they will keep organized to defend and build their practices from day to day. For instance, through studying history, historians have been able to trace and know how families, groups of people, races, and countries were created. Through learning more about these families, historians could also learn how these families and nations evolved and extended over time.

Through such knowledge and understanding of family identities, students can trace how their family has interacted with major changes in history and historical events. Indeed, learners could easily learn if and how their family has served in major events such as wars fighting for their identity.

Understand Society and learn about Other People around it

Families, groups, and nations belong to a particular culture based on society. However, it may be hard to understand the community or society where you belong without learning about history. As history helps one learn more about their families, nations, or groups, studying history leads to knowing more about our societies. Through history, individuals get a mirror that reflects the perspective of the history of people’s life. Such reflections trace how people and societies of the past behaved.

From such traces, it is easy to learn how people and societies have been developing with a set of particular cultures and practices through historical events such as wars. Even if today’s societies are at peace, history gives us the ability to look back on where we have come from through the available data of events based on wars, theories and laws created for generations after generations. Therefore, studying history gives a mirror that reflects society’s formation and development besides their practices.

Learn about the world

History gives us a clear picture of how the various aspects of society — such as technology, governmental systems, and even society as a whole — worked in the past, so we understand how it came to work the way it is now.

Studying history is like learning about the general world where societies and their practices belong. The history of the world is evolving, and people can learn through various societal aspects. All that has happened and has been happening around the world for the result of today’s one is pictured by learning history. Could it be the formation of governments, technology establishment, and other practices that are currently available around us? Through studying history, individuals can learn how past societies participated or worked in today’s world.The World’s and Society’s Process Of Change Over Time

Whatever we interact with or see around us today, could it be education, events, or the nature of the world, has a story behind it, and this is revealed through learning history. If you need to truly know why and how something happened in any field, you will do it through its history. For example, much is taught about World Wars and other related events, then to know why and how such events occurred and their results, it’s in the history.

The world we are living in today is different from what one past generation has lived in terms of society, culture, practices, invention, and authority formation, among others. These events, for example, the birth of technology and development, have developed over a long time through a change process. But all these and why today’s world is in a particular status may be unknown if only it would be revealed through studying history.

Know issues that are in Present-Day

The world today is under different major issues that primarily affect not only normal human living but also every sector. For example, today’s climatic changes are worse than in the past decades and where it is heading is forecast to be worse. But the origin of these major world changes may be unknown if it were not history. Through learning history, individuals can get answers to present-day issues affecting us. Why are things the way they are right now? In other words, history answered the question of why and how we came to today’s kind of life.

For example, why is the world under technologically weaponized threats? Why is Russia attacking Ukraine? How did it happen? What about future events related to war? Are there possibilities for such war events to arise? Through learning history, we can trace the reasons to the question “Why” or what is shaping certain global events and behaviours.

Through studying history, people can learn an apparent lesson, for instance, political intelligence.

History can help one become a well-informed citizen of Singapore and its political affairs. It shows learners who they are as collective groups and informed people who become key members of the democratic Singaporean society. The knowledge gained helps individuals actively participate in political forums via educated debates and refining the citizens’ core beliefs. History knowledge helps citizens to change their old beliefs and adopt new beliefs of goodwill to the larger society.

History promotes better citizenship

History mostly majors on the aspects of good citizenship. We can understand the present by assessing our past. To be better citizens, students should learn history to help them understand how to become better citizens. Citizenship history promotes a strong national loyalty and identity through lessons of collective and individual success.

History teaches and instils moral values

History provides a better platform for role models from whom the rest of society can learn. You can test your values and morals by comparing them with particular stories of major historical figures. Examples of people who had stood in difficult times can inspire good morals. You can learn about great historical people who manoeuvred through moral dilemmas and ordinary individuals who educate about protest, courage, and persistence.

History allows you to learn from the past, learn of the clear danger signs

The present is entirely made of the past, so to understand it better, you must understand the parts since today’s roots are there. You learn from the past atrocities against some people, attacks, genocides, and wars. From such past experiences, people can learn the warning signs that lead to such atrocities. Understanding what led to problems in the past could help avoid similar occurrences in the future.

History is a career subject

History is a career subject in which, if you study, you will gain a career. Through the learning of history, people acquire skills like critical thinking, information assessment, and research which are all vital skills that could lead to a better career path. Such skills are assets, so with history subject certification, you are likely to get land in one of the various industries and roles.

Promotes Appreciation and personal growth

Singapore, like most of the world’s countries, has its past that has built the present. Its history is rich and worth studying. By learning Singapore’s past events and how they have shaped current Singapore, you will empathize and understand why the world is today. You will also understand the joys, sufferings, wars, and issues that contributed to building the present. Through this, you will be able to grow and appreciate the efforts of those who lived during those times.

Learning history is fun and interesting

History can sometimes be so thrilling as you discover interesting historical facts. It is full of fascinating stories like pirates, world wars, adventures, treasures, and mysteries, among others. Several stories unfold each day. In better understanding these facts, history as a subject gives a deeper insight into the various historical topics and fields unfolding the interesting facts.

History helps in developing and refining skills

By taking history as a subject, individuals can develop and refine vital skills like writing and reading. Through reading texts from various periods, learners can refine their writing and reading skills. How people read and write has changed and is not what it used to be. Likewise, how people express themselves has also changed over time. You can learn to analyze information from several sources and make your conclusion rather than repeating what others said or depending on other people’s conclusions. With history as a subject, you are assured of better critical thinking and writing. With this, you can develop your own opinions on various historical events.

History as a subject encourages better decision-making skills. Through the knowledge gained, you can learn from other people’s past mistakes. Likewise, with history, you can understand why people behave and things are the way they are. Out of this, you are likely to become an impartial decision-maker. History as a subject needs extensive research. Therefore, through this research, you get the chance to study primary and secondary sources in gathering information about a particular time in history. This could encourage better research skills and help you differentiate unreliable from reliable sources.

History has data and numbers that need to be learned. So, through this, you will gain quantitative analysis skills. Learning about patterns, like population patterns, environmental factors, and dissertations during the famine, war, or drought, help explain why things transpired as they did.

Where to learn history in Singapore

For students looking to learn history, various institutions offer history as a subject. Additionally, students can learn through home tuition in Singapore. For homeschooling, you need a Singapore private tuition tutor.

Tuition rates in Singapore vary from one tutor to another based on various factors like the subject and level of study, among others. Generally, home tuition rates in Singapore range from $20-$70 hourly for the primary level, $25_$90 for the secondary level, and IB levels range from $40 to $130.


History is among the most prominent subjects studied in the humanities but not seriously taken. While history as a subject is important in the various spheres of life, most people are still unsure of whether to take it or not. Most people do not understand why they should study it. History is an important subject to take as it has several benefits you can get from studying it. The subject can help you find a career, transform yourself, and develop better skills, morals, and values that make you a good citizen of Singapore; if you are planning to equip yourself with the knowledge to help you in your career and life in general, you can get a private tutor in Singapore or find a good school to advance your knowledge in history.
