Private Tutors in Singapore: Important Things You Need to Know

Private Home Tuition Singapore

Different types of private tutors are there?

In general, private tutors can be classified into three main groups depending on their experience, expertise and qualifications.

  1. Student Tutors. Children aged 17 and above, could be JC or Polytechnic students, expecting acceptance into NS or University, or Undergraduates or Post-Graduate students. Most commonly engaged tutors in Singapore as they’re the least expensive and have the most flexible timetable. Home tuition Singapore rates start from $20 – $25/hour for primary school students.
  2. NIE Trainees / MOE Tutors. All MOE Tutors are certified by the National Institute of Education (NIE), where primary and secondary school teachers are trained. They’re either current or ex-school teachers. These tutors are most updated with the syllabus and are well-trained to handle many types of students. Thus, they demand a higher price too. Rates start from $40 – $60/hour (MOE Tutors) and $30 – $40/hour (NIE Trainees) for primary school students.
  3. Graduate / Undergraduate Tutors. These often set a good example for their students. Students look up to them as they have achieved good results themselves. Apart from their knowledge of the subjects they impart, they also give students the motivation to pursue great results. Rates start from $25 – $40/hour for primary school children.

Most of the parent’s look for a tutor from their friends’ references. Many agencies in Singapore offer tutor matching services at no cost to the parents/students as they charge 50% of the first month’s tuition fee from the tutor as commission for helping them find a tuition assignment.

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