Worth of the tutoring rates for Experience Tutors, MOE Teachers, and Home Tuitions. What type of Tutor, Part-time Tutor, Full-time Tutor or MOE teacher, should you engage in the needs of the student?
Part-time Tutors
It is usually comprised of Undergraduates, University Graduates, and A-Level graduates; Part-time Tutors are tutors who are giving tuition part-time. Hourly tuition rates from these tutors are the cheapest ($25/h and above), compared to other types of tutors – Full-time Tutors, and MOE School teachers.
Factors to Consider:
- Your Budget
- Needs of the Student
- How Flexible Tutor is
MOE Teachers
MOE teachers have very rigid schedules to cope with school and tuition. MOE’s Policy permit teachers to give up to 6 hours of private Education per week – there is not much room for extra lessons during exam periods. Hence for MOE teachers, if you would like to reschedule lessons/flexible timeslots, it would most likely be impossible.
Part-time Tutors
When it comes to flexibility, undergraduate tutors are the best option. When you need to reschedule lessons or have new experiences even at last-minute notice, Part-time Tutors mostly have no issue. Additionally, should you have any doubts for clarification outside of tuition, Part-time Tutors would be able to reply via Whatsapp; outside lesson consultation. In case of Full-time Tutors and MOE teachers are unable to entertain any outside lesson calls for help.
So.. which tutor should I get?
After considering all the factors above, you should have a slight idea of what you are looking for it. You may look out for the Tutor’s track record.
- How much are you willing to spend on Education?
- Do you value tutors with a proven track record?
- Does your child require a lot of help?
- Foresee any queries outside of lesson time?
Which is worth it?
find out more about Home Tuition Rate – Find rates for private tuition