Worth Of The Tutoring Rates

Worth of the tutoring rates for Experience Tutors, MOE Teachers, and Home Tuitions. What type of Tutor, Part-time Tutor, Full-time Tutor or MOE teacher, should you engage in the needs of the student?

Part-time Tutors

It is usually comprised of Undergraduates, University Graduates, and A-Level graduates; Part-time Tutors are tutors who are giving tuition part-time. Hourly tuition rates from these tutors are the cheapest ($25/h and above), compared to other types of tutors – Full-time Tutors, and MOE School teachers.

Factors to Consider:

  1. Your Budget
  2. Needs of the Student
  3. How Flexible Tutor is

MOE Teachers

MOE teachers have very rigid schedules to cope with school and tuition. MOE’s Policy permit teachers to give up to 6 hours of private Education per week – there is not much room for extra lessons during exam periods. Hence for MOE teachers, if you would like to reschedule lessons/flexible timeslots, it would most likely be impossible.

Part-time Tutors

When it comes to flexibility, undergraduate tutors are the best option. When you need to reschedule lessons or have new experiences even at last-minute notice, Part-time Tutors mostly have no issue. Additionally, should you have any doubts for clarification outside of tuition, Part-time Tutors would be able to reply via Whatsapp; outside lesson consultation. In case of Full-time Tutors and MOE teachers are unable to entertain any outside lesson calls for help.

So.. which tutor should I get?

After considering all the factors above, you should have a slight idea of what you are looking for it. You may look out for the Tutor’s track record.

  1. How much are you willing to spend on Education?
  2. Do you value tutors with a proven track record?
  3. Does your child require a lot of help?
  4. Foresee any queries outside of lesson time?

Which is worth it?

find out more about Home Tuition Rate – Find rates for private tuition
